A Meme? Here?

August 13, 2011
I think I have discovered our forum's first meme, and here it is:

"Sad. On the way from somewhere my mom and i made the mistake of taking the interstate and we were there an hour and 26 minutes"

So where did this originate? Well, in the topic "xbox 360" started by fellow member Shamrock about the gaming console and related games the discussion began of a perculiar car incident. It blocked the interstate, causing huge traffic jams in our local town. Shamrock posted the reply "Sad. On the way from somewhere my mom and i made the mistake of taking the interstate and we were on there an hour in 26 minuites." But he posted it six times. As of now, it is unclear wether this is accidental or on purpose, but it quickly became our forum's first meme.


June 22, 2011
Well, you may be wondering, "What is ChuckBlog?" Answer: it's a blog that is supporting and advertising this fourm. It's mildly successful and extremely entertaining blog. So, check it out, because... I run it! That's right, ChuckBlog is my personal blog. Please, support it and check it out!
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June 20, 2011

This Sunday I purchased The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. As most of you may know, it's the most critically acclaimed game of all time. But, does it's 3D partner live up to the fame? Let's find out. First off, it's in 3D now. So, the old 64's graphics weren't gonna cut it. So HELLO NEW GRAPHICS! That's right, the graphics have been enhanced and place in 3D, and they look great. Not to mention it's still Ocarina of Time. So there, it's a good game. The game also comes with touch screen ...

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Take a Break

June 16, 2011
Well, as far as administration goes, this site will have be void of my posting until Sunday, June 19. Starting Friday, June 17.
Just in case you were wondering, I'll be at the lake then, so it's really kind of up to SinCa- I mean, LoneWolf (or whatever it is now) to take some posting charge.
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June 15, 2011
Welcome to CYBER 3 Forums. It's a place where you can discuss just about anything you like, and no one will gruff at you about it! Now, this BLOG will keep you up to date with all the stuff portianing to the forums, so check here regularly. Enjoy the Forum!

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CPainter Well, I guess I'm just about the same as all of you who are reading this. Someone who enjoys theis kind of stuff. Or maybe I don't. YOU DON'T KNOW ME! Unless you actually do know me. Well, then. YOU KNOW ME! There, glad we straightened that out a little bit. Well, if you really want to know about me you can just ask me, but reading about it here? Werido.


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